Saturday 21 December 2013

This is for my best friend, Miriam

Hello my beloved,

if you see this page, you will know that this will be my last present for you.

First things first, I just wanted to let you know that you are everything that has made my life complete and fun. With you, school has been terrific, and daily life became a must. 

I want to thank you for being my friend, my family accomplice...(?).

-- "come to the dark side, I have cookies" --

Second of all, we've successfully left 2013 behind with tons of memories to remember, billions of fun stories to tell and infinite amount of fun like always.

~In my opinion, we can't just hold on to a memory by taking a photo, that's why I didn't put that many photos in here. Just the most beautiful ones :) ~

We've experienced throughout a year:

  • what it's like to have a little brother,
  • what it's like to eat Belgian waffles,
  • what it's like to graduate from High School,
  • what it's like to turn 20,
  • what it's like to go to university,
  • what it's like to move out,
  • what it's like to party hard (which is what we do every year, aanyway),
  • what it's like to be spontaneous,
  • etc.

Third aspect,
I've found a few quotes which kinda happen to apply to our friendship, see what I got:

~Love me now, hate me never, we will stay best friends forever.~
~Friends know how to make you look beautiful, best friends know how to make you feel beautiful.~
~Dear best friend, always remember that after you fall down, I will pick you up. But after I finished laughing.~
~Life would be easier if we were gay.~ (hehe heh hehe :3)
~We'll be best friends forever, because you already know too much.~ (true...)
~I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.~(Sleeendermaan)

I have to say, that all of these quotes above are really nice...but they still don't express what I feel about you.
But I guess you know anyway because:
Wir bleiben Freunde bis nach dem Tod, und danach, und danach und danach und danach und danach......

I wanna finish this by saying once again: Merry Christmas to you, I hope you liked my presents, if not......aargh just shut up!

With lots of love, Loan

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