Sunday 20 February 2011

It has been a while~

Hi guys, sorry to make u wait!
I know i took a while to post an entry again. But I have an excuse :P
School has become more difficult and I have to get serious from now on. It will take some time to catch up with everything and learn everything they've learnt in the half year. Gosh, I wish this school wouldn't be so hard. It's a lot more complicated and difficult than when I was in Van.
Math is my problem child :D well, I'm improving, trying to understand and I'm getting the hang of it. I have to study a lot like a diligent child from now on, so I won't be able to post anything in the next few weeks since I have my exams. I'll try to make a new video after that, as a reward I guess haha. Any wishes what I should include? I heard someone wants canto words in my next video^^ ok, I will put it somewhere hehe...I just need some inspirations of what to make, so I need your help! COMMENT PLZ :*

'kay, have to go to school later, need to eat breakfast first. Oh yeah!
to Kitty: if u read this, hope we'll skype again sometime soon! But please bear with me not being on, I have school so I can't wake up early or stay up late or I'll look like a zombie each day haha :3 no worries, what are weekends for? Hope u 've read my letter. Know that i will always love u and think about u~
to everyone: I MISS U LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS and wish I could hug u one last time!


  1. heyhey!!!!
    It's been a while since I've read ur blog. Anyways you'll do fine~you always do!Especially in MATH=)


  2. LOL I am "Anonymous"

  3. More More More~~ It's been 3 months the last time you wrote for us :(
