Sunday, 21 July 2013

Hotel Mama

Here I am,

finally (!!!) graduated from High School in Germany after 13 years of discipline (meaning waking up too early to even think), smartness (most of the time, I didn't get that part right) and/or (mainly) comradeship.

I swear to all of my books that I've read in school (which I would have probably burned down by now if it were not for my love towards books) that school wasn't so bad (since my school books aren't worth much, this statement about school being okay won't count anymore in about 10 min from when I end this blog entry). 

I mean, I've made some friends, then lost a few friends, and made new ones at another school (yes, Point Grey, I miss you and our precious time together) and solidified comradeship over time. Not that this was the most important aspect of school (well it can be, in case of starting your social life) but it helps pushing all the studying aspects and i-hate-teachers-and-their-homework-aspect aside for a while. Just until the time you become a Senior in High School, you can enjoy your time to the fullest! I remember talking with a friend about how I used to freak out when I missed the first bus home and got scared that my parents would worry immediately. Seriously, don't worry about your grades until you hit 10th Grade. I shouldn't have worried about my Math German and English grades (I will not list any other subject since it will make me look stupid next to all the other millions of smart Asians my age) in 7th or 8th Grade (I was in a horrible state, excuse me ò.ó!)

I've just googled being a Senior (because I wasn't too sure if this word is used in Canada as well - I didn't hear it when I was there) and at the "see also" part, a term called senioritis came up. You wanna know what it means? :) Sure you want, the only people reading my blog entries are either stupid or students around my age (plus minus 5-10 years of age difference):
It is a disease of disinterest or lack of motivation to study that seems to only haunt the Senior students or students nearing their graduation. Use the urban dictionary, it's fun because apparently, the only cure for it is graduation haha :D and I think I'm speaking for all of us graduates that we have definitely experienced it coz I surely did!!! All the pressure teachers and other people put on you and all the stress with studying for exams (because it makes you crazy not to know what topic it will be) will drive you bananas (listen to Toothbrush - Wax I love this song)! 

And now that everything is over, the anticipation and the anxiety, you can relax (for about three months). If you're smart, you use it to go on vacation (deserved), find work to earn some money or I don't know anything but stay at home becoming a coach potato who misses all of the friends who actually do the first or second option. 

As you might have already guessed, I did the third option. Not willingly, circumstances brought me the honour of staying at home the whole time. 

How do I use this free time? I read (or I try to read because the four books I ordered still didn't arrive...I feel like I'm deprived of books), meet with a few friends when they have the time and the nerve to bear with me and go shopping with my parents (mostly my mom). I distract myself from this loneliness (of not seeing my best friend for three weeks) by rearranging my book shelves, writing unfinished stories (free time and boredom really inspire me!) and talking to my newly aquired bottle:

Isn't it cuuuuuuuuuuuuute? Yes it is, I already know the answer hah!

Okay, look at my pitiful self, I better go to sleep and forget about my loneliness because tomorrow I will finally get a dvd full of photos of my prom and I hope there will be acceptable photos of me with my friends. 


Lovely Kimmy~~

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