Sunday, 28 August 2011

...there's nothing worse than feeling like a ghost...


Name is Kimmy. Age? 17. Occupation? Highschool girl trying to be optimistic each and every day. Fail. Hobbys? Being pessimistic and taking others down with me. Feeling sorry for friends and family who have to bear with me.

At bad times, tea heals your soul. Warming up the body and mind. 
Ice cream heals wounds. Cooling down your bad thoughts and refreshing your optimism to a new beginning.
Music destroys your pessimism. Unable to sort your feelings? Songtexts have a deeper meaning, maybe even matching to your situation. Identify yourself. Feel understood.
Love revives your happiness. There is no cure to sadness or loneliness other than to love and being loved. 

I should go out and take a walk to clear my mind from anything keeping me down :P fresh air makes you feel free. I wish I could fly like bird.

Lovely Kimmy~~
P.S.: Sorry for not smiling today... 

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