Monday 6 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions

How are you guys?
Happy New Year to all of you out there.
Another year has passed and again, we face our past behaviour and start to reflect. Some may think, this is useless, others hope this will be their motivation and I think it's a nice thing for the moment.
Everyone has these feelings. Like a Christmas feeling just before Christmas. And this feeling of an apparently "new beginning" is just the feeling for a New Year. Might as well adjust oneself to a new chapter.

My Resolutions are simple but sincere:

1. I really want to try harder in expressing what I feel by writing it all down. I know from past experience that it can help you so much if you have a lot to sort out in your heart and mind.

2. It's the same every year. I want to maintain a good and healthy figure which I am happy with. It's not important how much I weigh, just that I will be happy with my body. 

a small advice to all you unhappy-with-my-body-people: don't take other people's stares and talks seriously because stares and talks ain't gonna change a thing about your body and how you think of it. Either accept it as it is and be happy with it OR move on. Don't regret loving to eat, Don't regret having to buy a size bigger. Believe that no one has the power to force you into a diet or make you feel bad. 
I know you hear that a lot but try to introspect and confront with what you really want. Is it a nicer and thinner body or is it the satisfaction of being healthy and the FEELING of being beautiful?

3. Be happy as much as I can. Appreciate as many things - food, books, electricity, water, - as possible. I also want to express my love towards my family and friends more often. I know I can be a shithead at times. But if a world apocalypse is ever going to break out, I would let run to your side.

4. Experience new things, ordinary things but always full of heart and good intent.

5. Keep moving, keep my eyes open and be safe. 

So guys, in 2014 nothing will change at all, if you don't take the first step.
Happy New Year!

Saturday 21 December 2013

This is for my best friend, Miriam

Hello my beloved,

if you see this page, you will know that this will be my last present for you.

First things first, I just wanted to let you know that you are everything that has made my life complete and fun. With you, school has been terrific, and daily life became a must. 

I want to thank you for being my friend, my family accomplice...(?).

-- "come to the dark side, I have cookies" --

Second of all, we've successfully left 2013 behind with tons of memories to remember, billions of fun stories to tell and infinite amount of fun like always.

~In my opinion, we can't just hold on to a memory by taking a photo, that's why I didn't put that many photos in here. Just the most beautiful ones :) ~

We've experienced throughout a year:

  • what it's like to have a little brother,
  • what it's like to eat Belgian waffles,
  • what it's like to graduate from High School,
  • what it's like to turn 20,
  • what it's like to go to university,
  • what it's like to move out,
  • what it's like to party hard (which is what we do every year, aanyway),
  • what it's like to be spontaneous,
  • etc.

Third aspect,
I've found a few quotes which kinda happen to apply to our friendship, see what I got:

~Love me now, hate me never, we will stay best friends forever.~
~Friends know how to make you look beautiful, best friends know how to make you feel beautiful.~
~Dear best friend, always remember that after you fall down, I will pick you up. But after I finished laughing.~
~Life would be easier if we were gay.~ (hehe heh hehe :3)
~We'll be best friends forever, because you already know too much.~ (true...)
~I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.~(Sleeendermaan)

I have to say, that all of these quotes above are really nice...but they still don't express what I feel about you.
But I guess you know anyway because:
Wir bleiben Freunde bis nach dem Tod, und danach, und danach und danach und danach und danach......

I wanna finish this by saying once again: Merry Christmas to you, I hope you liked my presents, if not......aargh just shut up!

With lots of love, Loan

Thursday 19 December 2013

Rant: Get positive already

Moving forward after having a hard time, a bad day or just piled up stress is really difficult sometimes. Everyone has those moments and everyone hates them.

My way of releasing all negative energy is by talking about it with friends or family (those you trust who won't make fun of your problems) and then doing sports. Activity is the best way to distract yourself from boiling over and is also good for your body, in my opinion. 
I'm the kind of person who gets angry/frustrated/sad, then lets it out by screaming/beating/crying and then tries to get over with it really quick by doing sports, or meeting with friends or relax (! totally underrated in my opinion). After that session of overpowering myself, I'm just too fu**ing tired to even think about negative thoughts, emotional moments or whatever was on my mind. 
Silence is much appreciated!

Of course there are people who work it out differently than me but there are also people who just won't get over it! They keep their past within their present, repeat it over and over again. 
For what? Just to feel bad again, I suppose... because I can't see the reason why anyone would want to keep talking about bad moments, lost loves or false friends.

Pleeeeaaase don't drag others into all your negative emotions! I'm a person who can listen to problems and I truly want to help get the good mood back or at least comfort a person in any way possible because it hurts to see friends being hurt or desperate. I understand that people tend to remember the bad things (as a warning system to yourself) more than good things.

But I'm not your trash can of emotions. I too have problems but I don't neccessarily throw them all to you.
And you're (hopefully) not a repeat-button. You don't need to retell your sad time stories a trillion times. 

Be confident and hopeful about your future. Everything changes within seconds anyway. Maybe you will find a new love in the blink of an eye, maybe the things to make you happy lie just around the corner, maybe you've not yet met the right people to be true friends. or  
MAYBE YOU'RE OVERTHINKING......................which is often the case.

Life is too short to be worrying about such small stuff. Truly think about it. None of your worries are life-threatening, am I right?
On the other hand, life is so long, you still have time to experience lots of things. Enjoy everything. Make good memories.

Sunday 21 July 2013

I was tagged...

Good God, I totally forgot about this thing, I found it very funny and Kimpachii introduced it to me but I highly doubt that I will find any other blogger to ask questions to, but since I must abide by the rules:
(Translate the following on your own...I know a few of my Canadian friends learn German now!)

die Spielregeln:
1. Verlinke die Person, die dich getaggt hat.
2. Beantworte die Fragen die dir gestellt worden sind.
3. Tagge anschließend 11 weitere Leute (oder 12 oder 13 oder 14...)
4. Gib den Leuten Bescheid die getaggt wurden.
5. Stelle 11 Fragen an die, die getaggt wurden.

Kimpachiis Fragen:
1. Was habt ihr zuerst gesehen? Japanische Dramen, koreanische oder taiwanesische? Wie kamt ihr dazu?
- Das ist eine gute Frage, wie ich überhaupt mit Dramen angefangen habe, weiß ich nicht mehr aber ich habe das Gefühl, es fing mit japanischen Dramen an. 
2. Was hört ihr zur Zeit mehr? Japanische oder koreanische Musik? Zum Beispiel? Was gefällt euch daran?
- Beides hör ich gar nicht mehr. Da ich aber noch einige koreanische Lieder auf meinem PC habe, und die bei random play nun mal gespielt werden, höre ich ab und zu noch z.B. I'm the best - 2ne1, weil der beat einfach genial ist und das nie langweilig wird.
3. Absolut most favourite Drama/Film ever und wirklich forever?
- Da ich 10 Sekunden nach Anschauen des Filmes oder des Dramas sowieso sofort jedes Detail vergesse, und ich selten etwas erneut schaue, kann ich nicht wirklich sagen, dass ich einen fav hab. W
as ich jedoch gerne schaue ist Baby and Me, weil es herzzerreißend, super süß und super lustig ist, und außerdem noch etwas für die Seele fertig hat. 
Hm, abgesehen davon, dass ich den Film "The Good, The Bad, The Weird" besitze und ihn wegen der lustigen Schauspieler (Song Kang-Ho) und denen, die mich dort entweder an meinen Onkel erinnern (Park Do-Won) oder für die ich im Schlaf schwärme (Lee Byung-Hun) schaue, ist der Film echt sehenswert. Dämlich lustig und actionreich. Den kann man immer wieder gucken. Zwar ist er nicht mein fav favourite aber das gilt bei mir für jedes andere Drama oder jeden anderen Film. 
Was ich mir aber gut als fav Film vorstellen könnte ist der Film A Werewolf Boy, naja ich habe es bisher aber nur einmal geschaut.
4. Habt ihr Schauspieler/innen oder PDs oder Writer, deren Filme oder Dramen ihr fangirl-mäßig verfolgt? Wenn ja welche? Wenn nein, wieso?
- Nur Animes, keine Dramen. STUDIO GHIBLI ist dabei ganz vorne. Mehr dazu muss man nichts sagen. 
5. Guckt ihr lieber Dramen oder Filme? Gründe, Beispiele und evtl. eine Auflistung von Filmen, die lieber ein Drama hätten sein sollen und andersherum, bitte! ;)
- Ich gucke ehrlich gesagt lieber Filme, die sind kürzer und verlangen nicht so viel Zeit. Koreanische Dramen dauern pro Episode ne ganze Stunde (!) ich bin über froh, wenn ich bei ner mündlichen Rezension meiner Schwester höre:"Es hat nur 8 Episoden, also schau es dir an!" und selbst 8 Episoden bedeuten 8h auf dem Po vorm PC sitzen....Außerdem sind Filme meistens nicht so ein auf und ab was die Spannung angeht, guuuuut Dramen heißen nicht umsonst Drama, aber vielleicht ist genau das mein Problem und daher nicht mein Ding. 
6. Welches asiatische Wort oder welcher Satz ist euch, obwohl ihr die Sprache nicht könnt, immer im Gedächtnis geblieben? Woher stammt es, also aus welchem Film/Drama/Lied?
- Ho ho mei ist kantonesisch und bedeutet: Sehr lecker.....das hab ich von meiner besten Freundin aus Kanada gelernt, ich fande es passte zu mir in vielerlei Hinsicht :) Oh und Joe di fun ist auch eines der Sätze, die ich öfters zu hören bekommen habe: Geh früh schlafen.
7. Wenn du für einen Tag ein Drama-Charakter sein dürftest, wer wärst du?
- Darf ich auch ein Anime Charakter sein? 

Wenn ja: Rin aus InuYasha, die kleine, die von Sesshomaru aufgenommen wurde?! Man, ich wünschte, ich würde so sehr von ihm geliebt werden. Oder Ace aus OnePiece <3 

Wenn nein: Chul-Soo aus A Werewolf Boy, ich würde mal gerne wissen, was er während des Verlaufes im Film dachte. Ich wette, es waren alles herzzerreißende Gedanken, die ich ab dem Tag danach (da ich ja wieder Ich selbst wäre) für immer im Herzen speichern werde. Die Mentalität kann einen wirklich verändern!
8. Gibt es eine besondere Kulinarität, die ihr unbedingt mal probieren (oder auch mal selber kochen/backen) wollt?
- Ich wollte Sushi schon immer mal selber machen. Ich informiere mich meistens nicht über Essen, die ich nicht kenne....wie auch? Ich probier alles, aber mir gefällt nicht alles. Ich esse alles, aber mir wird nicht alles gefallen. 
Erst letzte Woche habe ich versucht Fantakuchen selber zu backen, weil ich es noch nie getan habe und ich es schon immer tun wollte, aber es war einfach ein fail und ich werde es nie wieder tun. Seitdem ist die Rubrik "unbedingt mal probieren" für mich erstmal abgeschlossen..
9. Für alle die Hana Yori Dango und Boys Before Flowers kennen: Hanazawa Rui (Oguri Shun) oder Yoon Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong) ?
- Oguri Shun. 1. soweit ich mich erinnern kann (Hah, da kommt das Kurzzeitgedächtnis gegenüber Filme und Dramas wieder) war er ein besserer Schauspieler, was das Emotionale anging. 2. ist Kim Hyun Joong im Realen (naja aus WGM) für mich viel sympathischer. 3. ich weiß nicht wieso, aber Oguri Shun sieht zwar zottelig aus und dies und das, aber er hat was. Er hat einfach etwas. 
Kim Hyun Joong ist zwar Prinz-hafter und hübscher, aber schauspielerisch fand ich ihn nur so lala.
10. Besitzt ihr Fangirl-Artikel? Wenn ja was? Wenn nein, eventuell Alben, DVDs? Von wem?
- Ein Schlüsselanhänger von DBSKs Jaejoong. Anfangs wollte ich ihn meiner Schwester schenken, aber ich behielt ihn dann doch für mich. Mein Vater und ich spaßen die ganze Zeit, dass er mein Ehemann ist (und ich ihn aus diesem Grund an meinem Schlüsselbund hängen hab...) Er ist einfach hübsch und meiner Meinung nach (oder war, ich weiß nicht wie er sich verändert hat) auch männlich. Man darf ja träumen. 
P.S.: Ich glaube, dass  "eventuell Alben, DVDs" zu Fan(girl)-Artikeln gehören.....
11. Würde ein asiatischer Ehemann/Ehefrau in Frage kommen? Begründung!
- Klar, wieso nicht. Ich bin doch selbst asiatischer Abstammung. Ich stehe sowieso mehr auf Braunhaarige :P

Now that all the questions are answered, I will ask 11 questions myself (I'll definitely find somebody of my friends with a blog):
1. Which place in Asia would you like to travel to?
2. Which of the following character would you like to end up with happily ever after? Goo Yong Ha - Sungkyunkwan Scandal (playful but smart), Hong Gil-Dong - Hong Gil-Dong (strong and just) or Kang Shin Woo - You're Beautiful (reserved but princelike)? (Answer only if you know all the mentioned names)
3. If there was a magic gum that allows you to speak a different language fluently, which would you choose it to be?
4. When you go on a vacation, which activity do you prefer? 1. swimming at the beach, 2. touring the city, or 3. walk into the nature climbing mountains
5. Which three objects/or people would you bring with you to a deserted island?
6. Have you ever had thoughts about wanting to be another film character in a certain drama or movie? Who would you like to be and what would you like to change?
7. If you could choose between being an animal of your choice or being of the different gender, what would you like to experience in your next life?
8. If you were an animal, would you prefer to be an animal on the land, in the water or in the sky?
9. Has any non-Asian person talked to you about Asian dramas or movies before?
10. Have you ever read a book surrounding Asia before (I do not mean a travelguide)?
11. If you are Asian and like many of us have a small body, would you like to stay this small or rather change to being as big as your other non-Asian friends? If you are not Asian, what do you like about Asians? :)

Well that's it for me!! (^°^) Byyye!

Lovely Kimmy~~

Hotel Mama

Here I am,

finally (!!!) graduated from High School in Germany after 13 years of discipline (meaning waking up too early to even think), smartness (most of the time, I didn't get that part right) and/or (mainly) comradeship.

I swear to all of my books that I've read in school (which I would have probably burned down by now if it were not for my love towards books) that school wasn't so bad (since my school books aren't worth much, this statement about school being okay won't count anymore in about 10 min from when I end this blog entry). 

I mean, I've made some friends, then lost a few friends, and made new ones at another school (yes, Point Grey, I miss you and our precious time together) and solidified comradeship over time. Not that this was the most important aspect of school (well it can be, in case of starting your social life) but it helps pushing all the studying aspects and i-hate-teachers-and-their-homework-aspect aside for a while. Just until the time you become a Senior in High School, you can enjoy your time to the fullest! I remember talking with a friend about how I used to freak out when I missed the first bus home and got scared that my parents would worry immediately. Seriously, don't worry about your grades until you hit 10th Grade. I shouldn't have worried about my Math German and English grades (I will not list any other subject since it will make me look stupid next to all the other millions of smart Asians my age) in 7th or 8th Grade (I was in a horrible state, excuse me ò.ó!)

I've just googled being a Senior (because I wasn't too sure if this word is used in Canada as well - I didn't hear it when I was there) and at the "see also" part, a term called senioritis came up. You wanna know what it means? :) Sure you want, the only people reading my blog entries are either stupid or students around my age (plus minus 5-10 years of age difference):
It is a disease of disinterest or lack of motivation to study that seems to only haunt the Senior students or students nearing their graduation. Use the urban dictionary, it's fun because apparently, the only cure for it is graduation haha :D and I think I'm speaking for all of us graduates that we have definitely experienced it coz I surely did!!! All the pressure teachers and other people put on you and all the stress with studying for exams (because it makes you crazy not to know what topic it will be) will drive you bananas (listen to Toothbrush - Wax I love this song)! 

And now that everything is over, the anticipation and the anxiety, you can relax (for about three months). If you're smart, you use it to go on vacation (deserved), find work to earn some money or I don't know anything but stay at home becoming a coach potato who misses all of the friends who actually do the first or second option. 

As you might have already guessed, I did the third option. Not willingly, circumstances brought me the honour of staying at home the whole time. 

How do I use this free time? I read (or I try to read because the four books I ordered still didn't arrive...I feel like I'm deprived of books), meet with a few friends when they have the time and the nerve to bear with me and go shopping with my parents (mostly my mom). I distract myself from this loneliness (of not seeing my best friend for three weeks) by rearranging my book shelves, writing unfinished stories (free time and boredom really inspire me!) and talking to my newly aquired bottle:

Isn't it cuuuuuuuuuuuuute? Yes it is, I already know the answer hah!

Okay, look at my pitiful self, I better go to sleep and forget about my loneliness because tomorrow I will finally get a dvd full of photos of my prom and I hope there will be acceptable photos of me with my friends. 


Lovely Kimmy~~

Saturday 17 November 2012

Previously on Loliipopz..

So what has happened so far? How bout some random pictures, showing what 2012 has got to give!

In April, I turned 18 and got a little surprise party organised by my dear friend M.!! Thanks a lot for my first and best surprise party ever!
Take a look at this.

My birthday:
 Not much to say actually. I was kidnapped by my friends (a whole bunch of idiots,..nice people,..girls) who at first, dressed me up with a party hat and a weird t-shirt that says: "Already 18 but still lives with mommy" (which I got as a present from a friend's dad :D my only comment: ...LOL) After great efforts of opening all the presents and throwing away wrapping paper, we split into I don't know how many groups and drove to Narnia (translation: an American-style diner which offers reaaalllyy good hamburgers and milkshakes *.*).  Totally made my day ;) Thanks girls! ;* 

My sister got me a photoshoot as a present, and here are the results of Lara. Thanks again!

My present:

Our parents should be proud to have such two cuties as their children! Must be an awesome feeling to have us at home :)) 
Look at what a great couple we make! Now that I look at these two photos, it seems like we're ying and yang: Never without the other.

We had so much luck to have the sun on our side that day since it had started to rain these days! Usually, that beach is quite crowdy as I heard but we were the only ones (so a place to change was no longer a problem :P). However, the sun was reaaaally bright and so we often needed our sunglasses. Still cool right?

                   These two pictures are pretty well done. I must say we look a lot better alone

If you look at these two pictures up above, you'll know how my sister and I are at home...pretty funny, ain't we? :D But it's actually true..we REALLY are like that.

So, some of you might know that I've been on a Germany tour during summer holidays with two of my lovely cousins! I've seen a totally different world to me and enjoyed it pretty much! Thanks again to my BanhBao friend and dogpower as well as my genius and cutiepie! <3 Love rulez

This Summer:
I really love the many beautiful sides of Germany! We've seen a lot, experienced a lot and enjoyed it a lot! That's all that counts!   It's us three against the world! Don't expect too much..How many cities did we visit? Let's count...1..2..3.:
Dresden, Passau, München, Darmstadt, Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen, Köln, Aachen, and some smaller cities near Rhein- Ruhr! :))
Would we do it again? Definitely and recommended!
Even if it is only for the purpose of taking a closer look at the surroundings of potential universities for us, it was so much fun and the weather was nice and sunny. Just the feeling of needing a map (or google maps) to get around was exciting ;> that was our very own adventure!  

No words needed to describe the atmosphere! Just LOVE <3

So next on the list is our class trip to England, not many photos but a great memory: Viva English LK, Gellert! Thanks for the great last memories of us all together. 


Look at that sky!!! Unfortunately, we did not have this nice weather all the time..we weren't even allowed to go swim in the sea...well, it was too cold anyway.. There was a cliff, called the White Cliffs. Great view and quite windy but a great place to chill out.
We had a bus with us at all times to get from our bungalow park in Kingsdown to for example: Canterburry, London or Dover. Canterburry is reaaaalllyy nice, has many but cute smaller boutiques, is a rather smaller city but has a nice feeling to it. Those of you who like it loud and busy, London offers you rain, people with no sense whatsoever for road traffic and an m&m world. Smells like chocolate wherever you go.


Last but not least, not an memorable event in my life but still important, a new haircut! Took me long enough to get over my fears of straight bangs. I like it though. Thanks to my new fav hairdresser!

New Haircut:

That's about all that has happened so far in my life in 2012. Let me express lots of gratitude to all of the people mentioned above and all the others (friends, family, acquaintances) who made 2012 waaay better than I had expected! 
I will upload some more photos if I have the time or the patience or the boredom. 

Lovely me~

Saturday 31 March 2012

April is coming~

Ok I know that it has been a whiiillleee and I'm seriously sorry!My excuse as always: School has been keeping me busy since February and exams really annoyed me this time...double-shot exhausting...But for now I have my holidays and I can enjoy it not a bit totally (I have lots of homework over the holidays?! HELLOO?? I have to read two books, one for German and one for French class, 13 pages a day; not that it's much to read but that is just too much school in my free days for me..).

So how are you all going to enjoy Easter? I guess I'm visiting my grandma again this year, as always :) maybe I'll get to meet my relatives *.* ok
What's up next in my schedule? Well, I'm going to watch the Hunger Games in the theaters tmr! And I'm going to have a real nice girls'-movie-and-gossip-night-while-eating-and-drinking-all-you-can-eat tmr as well. Had to rush to supermarkets to get some snacks (by duty is to get some snacks, isn't that a wonderful job to choose everything u like?) just now...-____-'

Oh aaand don't forget my birthday, I'm letting you guess the day!! It's in April, and it's during school time again...-___-''''''''''''''''''

So, gonna watch Avatar the Legend of Korra right now^^