How are you guys?
Happy New Year to all of you out there.
Another year has passed and again, we face our past behaviour and start to reflect. Some may think, this is useless, others hope this will be their motivation and I think it's a nice thing for the moment.
Everyone has these feelings. Like a Christmas feeling just before Christmas. And this feeling of an apparently "new beginning" is just the feeling for a New Year. Might as well adjust oneself to a new chapter.
My Resolutions are simple but sincere:
1. I really want to try harder in expressing what I feel by writing it all down. I know from past experience that it can help you so much if you have a lot to sort out in your heart and mind.
2. It's the same every year. I want to maintain a good and healthy figure which I am happy with. It's not important how much I weigh, just that I will be happy with my body.
a small advice to all you unhappy-with-my-body-people: don't take other people's stares and talks seriously because stares and talks ain't gonna change a thing about your body and how you think of it. Either accept it as it is and be happy with it OR move on. Don't regret loving to eat, Don't regret having to buy a size bigger. Believe that no one has the power to force you into a diet or make you feel bad.
I know you hear that a lot but try to introspect and confront with what you really want. Is it a nicer and thinner body or is it the satisfaction of being healthy and the FEELING of being beautiful?
3. Be happy as much as I can. Appreciate as many things - food, books, electricity, water, - as possible. I also want to express my love towards my family and friends more often. I know I can be a shithead at times. But if a world apocalypse is ever going to break out, I would let run to your side.
4. Experience new things, ordinary things but always full of heart and good intent.
5. Keep moving, keep my eyes open and be safe.
So guys, in 2014 nothing will change at all, if you don't take the first step.
Happy New Year!