Wednesday, 13 July 2011


I sprained my ankle.

I accidently jumped down the stairs. No, kidding. I overlooked a step and fell down and bam! Now it's all yellowish, blueish and purple...swollen and left foot
You haven't been missing much lately. We students just relax and do nothing recently since it's almost summer holidays. Our teachers even propose to watch some movies, in my math class it's Hangover 1 :DD whyyyyy noot!

This weekend I'm going to Pariiiiiiiis with my French class (well, only a few of them..) and it's going to be soooo much fun :) (and pain...)

Hope you guys are doing great over there! Congrats for those who graduated ;) so proud of you, my Sonny! Miss you really much and love you!

Lovely Kimmy~~